What is Koushikai ?
Organization of Dentists and People Concerned in Health and Dental Care
It was around the same time when both Sweden and Japan established dental colleges under rising need for dental care. However, in recent years, Sweden has become the leader in dental prophylaxis while Japan has lagged behind. For example, Sweden has already accomplished "the 8020 campaign (maintaining 20 teeth after 80 years old)" while Japan has not yet accomplished. However, is the prevention of a cavity and periodontal disease the ultimate goal?
Japan faces the challenge of declining birthrate and ageing society ahead of many other nations in the world. At such a crucial time, what should we do to enjoy a fulfilling and healthy life?
Dr. Tsuneo Katayama, a professional dentist, not only spent his life investigating the causes of dental diseases and established methods of treatment and prevention, but also was dedicated to educating younger generations.
We are an organization of dentists and people concerned in health and dental care, striving to achieve human well-being through Dr. Katayama’s teachings.
Along with publishing Dr. Katayama’s research papers, we will provide advantageous information and resources for the public to achieve optimal oral health.
We hope that our activities will expand the circle of cooperation among people and have a positive impact on human health.
From Dentistry to Oral Medicine
Koushikai advocates the formation of oral medicine.
Although the term “oral medicine” has not yet been clearly defined, our vision is to incorporate various medical disciplines including dentistry, internal medicine, dermatology, and otolaryngology with an interdisciplinary and holistic approach and to study its interrelations and systemic effects.
To establish this novel approach from a new perspective on our health, tremendous changes including health care laws, the insurance system, medical and dental education and the medical system will be necessary.
To achieve this goal, a long-term collaborative efforts between doctors, dentists and other related organizations would be necessary.
from "Greeting of the Chairman of Board"
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